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Did I Change...

Did I change or I just grew older..? I often ask myself this question. Everytime I meet someone who's known me for long I wonder if they find me to be the same or am I different now..!

What has changed..? The city, the country, the job, my life... But what about me!! Have I changed as well..? Am I not the same....!

Change is inevitable which I understand and somewhere I do appreciate. Change is required. Required in our daily life, at work, in the gym, on the road, your shopping list, your friends continues to adapt to The New You. Your life is not the same as it was few years ago. May be you have a different job, may be you started a different hobby, may be you got married and have kids now... 

We change our surroundings and we change our habbits, we change our jobs and we change our tastes. But do we change ourselves?

I would rather say I have grown with time and I'm in a constant process of knowing myself. What I like today may not be something that I liked few years ago but at the same time things I hated in past are not so bad anymore. Is it because things changed or because today I learnt to accept. Accept the right and the wrong. Accept defeat and victory. The fire which was there to fight the wrong is no longer burning as before. Is it because I changed or is it because I grew stronger?

Could it be that I again await a change that will bring back the good me, the fighter me. The Me which I'm not today, The Me that I lost somewhere, The Me that no longer dreams...

I don't want to change but I want the change, the change of culture, the change of living, the change to become better, the change that will make me dream...


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