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Behind Luxury Smiles

 I had been chasing this dream of joining this luxury brand for many months and finally I had received the call that I had been waiting for. It was the day of my interview. I lived very close to the store location so reaching on time was not an issue for me. The issue was “what will I wear?”
Serene Surroundings, beautiful landscape, modern architecture with a hint of old world charm. The store was located in one of the finest business hotels in town. Only the rich and the famous would be seen in the hotel. Worrying that, I decided to wear something modern for my much awaited interview with the Country Manager.

The Country Manager was a strong, tall and very strict lady whose shoes click clock could be heard from the entrance of the hotel to the store. Everyone in store as well as in hotel was petrified from her. The meeting went well enough and I reported to work after few days.

The setup of store, the smell of softly burning candle, the vibrant merchandising, the elegance of the store associates all was empowering and somewhat overwhelming for someone like me who came from a very simple house. The meaning of luxury clearly wasn’t the same for me as it was for people coming frequently to this store.

After a long silent observation of few months I finally felt I was ready to face the clients of luxury. I was ready to answer all the questions. I was ready to "Smile"....

to continue...


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