Its crazy how life has changed and has become so materialistic. I am sure for some this is the normal way of life due to the exposure they have had to the luxuries of life but for many its a new phase, a new era, a new millenium. Everyone is craving for that one designer bag, one red sole shoe and one gold watch. Why do they crave? They crave because they need this for their everyday life or they crave because they want to be seen and positioned with the right people. Seen and position - strange words to describe a person and their character, it sounds more like a display unit in a luxury store than the descrption of a human. How having an expensive bag characterise you..? I am sure you're wondering it does characterise you. Why I need to buy expensive products when I can get the same at a much reasonable price. How everything has become more about price and not about quality? Suddenly famous names have taken over the good old tradition. The tradional or good old is no lon...
A lot goes on in our everyday life. Sometimes we talk about it and sometimes we write about it. The 2 extremes of life, learning and travel. If you like what you read- you can share your thoughts and share the blog. Thank you for reading.